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Fire has a similar functionality to Wind, without the same levels of statistical analysis, so its uses are far more applicable to volume testing for above and below threshold criteria. This could have relevance to aspects of assessment such as recruitment. Fire allows an administrator to quickly search and analyse the produced table of results based on a number of different criteria, allowing them to quickly select predefined groups of candidates.

Fire can be administered from either a controlled or a remote environment. Providing administrators with the option to have candidates complete a pre-screening test before shortlists are created. Those candidates who are successful may then be invited to interview or an assessment centre.





Fire example - Recruitment

Fire can be used in two areas of recruitment:
1. During pre-screening. Identifying suitable
candidates before inviting them to an assessment centre. (This will save valuable resources i.e. time, money, people, etc.)
2. During post-screening when candidates are invited to demonstrate their skills and aptitudes.

Fire can also be used to assess literacy, maths and psychometric testing to gain a more detailed profile on a candidate; the instant results feature of e-assessment allows you to continue their assessment in the knowledge that they meet the necessary criteria for the role under consideration, preventing time being wasted by either the interviewer or the candidate when necessary criteria are not met.





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