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Water provides the baseline of our product offerings. Simple to use, create and deliver, the self marking aspect of this product produces an ideal, self-supportive and formative testing tool.

Water can be linked to your website and made instantly publicly available. The assessment can be used for any number of applications. The most obvious scenario for water is for revision or as an assessment for learning.

Water is not intended for higher stakes, summative assessment and hence reporting is provided back to the candidate only. As you would expect for revision testing there is no limit to the number of times an assessment can be carried out.





Water examples:

Schools, Local Authorities, Public Services, Corporate Websites, Competitions / Quizzes.

People almost everywhere now have access to the internet and as a result websites are becoming more widely used as a source of information and particularly in outreach learning situations.
It is widely recognised that assessment of knowledge requires some form of question and answer testing. Therefore a Water type assessment can be positioned on any website / webpage. From there a simple link enables the site visitor to participate in an interactive experience. When the test has been completed they receive instant feedback and corrected answer sheet.





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